This breeding session was for the Vaccinated Vandal. He filled her up with his load on this special day. She will have a baby soon to show for it. I wonder how many of the black women we used for breeding are actually making it to full term and could one day say, “my child, you were created on a Ghetto Gaggers set due to the Vaccinated Vandal”. So far, 1/3 of them seem to be pregnant, as implied from what people are saying online. This ghetto girl took his white dick in every orifice; she almost couldn’t recognize herself any longer. Then they double penetrated her and stuck an anal hook into her butt. It was connected to her collar and she couldn’t move at all except moan when her back arched and her booty presented itself. As his juices oozed out of her pussy they made sure she ate it all up – although she wasn’t too pleased with being such a slut.
Watch the complete video called “Baby Momma Day” on GhettoGaggers.com.